

An analysis of data over a period from 1963 to 1993 by Josheski and Koteski has shown:

  • There is a direct causation between patent production and GDP growth. 
  • There is a positive relationship between the number of patents produced in the economy and GDP growth
  • It is not important whether the patents are produced by individuals, universities, or large multinational organisations. 



“inventionINDEX is an equation based on the correlation between patent production growth rate and GDP growth and can be used to track a countries success in recovering from an economic recession”


This years workshop series will educate on the usefulness of the inventionINDEX in determining a countries innovation levels when benched marked against other countries.



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The innovationCAFE series each year aims to produce intelligent, insightful and meaningful papers to impact on innovation in Australia. It is always our aim to make all relevant stakeholders aware  of the effects of current innovation related topics in our wider economy.


Building a prosperous future through Innovation

Cover - Innovation in Australia

Click image to view or download paper.

Development of An Early-Onset Innovation Culture

Cover - Education early onset

Click image to view or download paper.

Patent Grants and the inventionINDEX


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